Digestion process stomach with function, Why the stomach wall is not digested by HCL?
Stomach: At stomach only protein breakdown occurs. No fat or no carbohydrate breakdown occurs in stomach. HCl and…
Stomach: At stomach only protein breakdown occurs. No fat or no carbohydrate breakdown occurs in stomach. HCl and…
Intestine :The secretin and CCK secreted from intestinal epithelial cell wall and is transported by blood stream to p…
Protein digestion Enzymes involved in protein digestion are called proteolytic enzyme. proteolytic enzymes are t…
Pyloric caeca : pyloric caeca are blind, tubular or fingerlike projection from pylorus. They are histologically simil…
Intestine : The part of alimentary canal that follows the stomach is called intestine and is divided into two parts: …
Stomach : Stomach acquire different shapes according to the availability of space in the body cavities of differen…
Generally fish have three kinds of teeth such as : Mandibular teeth/Jaw teeth: the more active predators s…
Oesophagus: Predatory species have highly distensible oesophagus. the oesophahus is sparated from the stomach by …
Their are 5 types of fish mouth according to The position and size of the mouth show a close relation to the locatio…
Digestion: Digestion is physiological process by which the complex food molecules are broken down with the help of di…
Lethal factors PH Temperature Dissolve gases Salinity Controlling factors Oxygen Carbon dio…
Fish physiology is the scientific study of how the component parts of fish function together in the living fish. …